(December 2023) We are grateful for our amazing team, patients, families, and colleagues for the amazing generosity shown this year supporting the Salvation Army’s angle tree program. Bringing smiles throughout Indian River County warms our hearts.
(December 2023) As part of our sleep apnea and airway diagnostic services we offer the Eccovision Acoustic Pharyngometer/Rhinometer system. This system from Sleep Group Solutions tests our patients' nasal and oral airways. The device sends sound waves to the system, where the reflected sound waves are measured by the machine to determine the airways size.
The Rhinometer measures the nasal airway and the Pharyngometer measures the oral airway. Both systems are FDA-cleared and a highly effective way for us to identify the site and severity of airway collapse as it relates to snoring and sleep-related breathing problems.
Working every day to screen and provide treat options for our patients helping them Sleep, Breathe and Thrive!

(December 2023) We are proud cocktail sponsors of the 2023 Denim and Diamonds American Cancer Society Fundraising event. A great event for a wonderful organization that contributes to research and resources that help numerous community members and their families.
Florida Academy of General Dentistry, Florida Focus
(Sept 2023) "Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner, a leading expert in the field of dentistry, recently authored an insightful article titled "It’s all about the tongue. How Dentists Can Lead the Fight Against Sleep Disordered Breathing" for Florida Focus, a publication by the Florida Academy of General Dentists. In her article, Dr. Schwibner underscores the importance of tongue examination in dentistry, not only for oral health but also as a crucial diagnostic tool for a frequently overlooked issue: Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB). Obstructive Sleep Apnea is extremely prevalent in our society, with numbers rising. Dr. Schwibner's article sheds light on how dentists can play a pivotal role in identifying and addressing SDB, enhancing their patients' overall health and well-being. If you're concerned about SBD, give our office a call today."
Dental Partners of Vero Beach 772.569.4118

(Sept. 2023) Dr. Jenna and Dr. Wei always eager to add to their expertise traveled to Las Vegas for the 2023 Invisalign Summit. We look forward to learning about all of the latest and greatest updates so we can continue to be the best at providing Invisalign for our patients! Providing Invisalign to patients of all ages! For more information go to our Invisalign page!
(June 2023) We are thrilled to welcome Eric Rollman DMD. He sees patients of all ages at Dental Partners of Vero Beach! Dr. Rollman relocated to Florida after practicing in Iowa.
He loves the beach and is a real movie buff, making sure to remember some of the greatest quotes for later. Welcome Dr. Rollman!
Check out his Bio

FDA Convention Fun!

(June 30 2023) Our Dental Partners of Vero Beach's amazing team headed to the Gaylord Conference Center in Orlando for fun and learning at th3 2023 FDA Convention. Always looking to increase our knowledge and services to add to our already great patient experience!
(February 2023) Florida Mission of Mercy (FLA-MOM) is a large-scale professional dental clinic that provides care to any patient at
no cost to them, with the goal of serving the under-served and uninsured in Florida - those who would otherwise go without care.
Florida Mission of Mercy (FLA-MOM) is the state’s largest charitable dental clinic that provides care to any patient at no cost, with the goal of serving the underserved and uninsured in Florida.

Dental Partners of Vero Beach, Dentists, and Team Give Back Services to the Community

(February 2023) Dental Partners of Vero Beach has an extremely giving team when it comes to giving back to the community through philanthropic endeavors.
As part of our Give Back Programs, we coordinated a "Project Smile" event on Saturday, February 4th. We were humbled to be able to provide care to patients in the community who may have not received care otherwise.
Dental Partners and Ware Family Dentistry Give Bright Smiles This Season
(December 2022) Our community smiled a little brighter this year as Dental Partners and Ware Family Dentistry joined forces with Project Christmas Smile to provide dental services to those in need. Thank you, Ware Family Dentistry, for hosting! Thank you to Dr. Jenee Ware, Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner, and Dr. Wei Yin Vuong, and their amazing staff for providing these wonderful services!!

Salvation Army Spreads Gifts County Wide

(December 2022) Once again, we exceeded our expectations with the generous amount of holiday packages that are going out to children residing in the Treasure Coast through the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program! Thank you all!
Dental Partners Team Trots Against Poverty
(November 2022) Giving back to our community members of our team joined the 15th annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot against Poverty 5K. The Turkey Trot is a community-based event to raise funds and awareness for the nonprofit United Against Poverty, whose mission is to inspire and empower people living in poverty to lift themselves and their families to economic self-sufficiency.
Dr. Jenna writes:
“Started this thanksgiving off right with my ride or die, Katrina Kirkland, at the turkey trot 5k! So grateful for my amazing family and work family. We had 5 members of the DPVB squad running today! Robin Cortez is incredible and pushed me to the end!”

Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner Discusses Kid's Dental Care: More Than Simply Filling Cavities
By Kerry Firth for 32963

(October 2022) Please Note: Since this article was published the office of Dental Buddies of Vero Beach has merged with Dental Partners of Vero Beach. All children’s services are being provided at 3790 7th Terrace, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL
For new parents and grandparents, the appearance of a baby’s first tooth is a big milestone. It’s also the time to start thinking about the child’s future oral care. The American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommended that children first see a dentist around 12 months of age or within 6 months of the eruption of their first tooth, whichever comes first.
The question is, where do you take a year-old child?
The answer is a dental practice that recognizes the unique needs of children such as Dental Partners of Vero Beach, owned and operated by Dr. Jenna Schwibner.
“Children need to be treated differently than adults, so we make sure that visiting our office is both fun and educational,” said Dr. Schwibner, who has a 5-star rating on Healthgrades and other online sites, adding that “it’s never too early to start a dental hygiene routine.”
Dental Partners of Vero Beach specializes in early oral healthcare with the goal of helping children maintain their primary teeth from the time they come in until they shed and maintain their permanent teeth once those come in. The child-friendly team is concerned not only about children's dental health, but with their overall health.
Dental Partners at Vero Beach focuses on making children feel comfortable with the dentist at an early age, educating the parents, and monitoring the growth and development of their airways. If kids are underdeveloped in their jaw and airways, they are not getting enough oxygen and it can affect them both mentally and physically. Crowded teeth are a sign of underdevelopment of the jaws, indicating their airway and nasal passages aren’t getting enough oxygen.
This condition often manifests itself in Sleep Disordered Breathing issues such as snoring, grinding teeth, mouth breathing, apnea, and a variety of health ailments. In the U.S., nine out of 10 children have breathing issues, so it is an uphill battle that needs to be addressed early.
“By identifying these breathing and crowding issues early on, we can take measures to overcome the disadvantage,” said Dr. Schwibner. “For children with restricted airway, crooked teeth, or sleep disorders, we have various treatment options. We can teach children jaw exercises to strengthen the oral muscle or fit them with a device that promotes natural jaw and airway development.”
“If teeth can come into a well-developed jaw from the start, they will have a better chance than if they are crooked and trying to force teeth into an undeveloped jaw, thereby minimizing breathing issues and eliminating the need for braces during adolescence.”
So how can our team of dentists get a toddler to sit still for an exam and treatment?
The first visit is just to familiarize them with the office and make them comfortable with dental visits in the future,” Dr. Schwibner explained. “They play with toys, watch cartoons on TV, and sit in the dentist's chair. We’re just creating a positive experience so they are not scared when they come in for their first cleaning six months later. Mostly, they are in and out in 15 to 30 minutes. We offer new patients for any child under the age of 2 to get them started on the path to dental health.”
Every parent knows the challenges of teething, which lasts from about 6 months until the age of 3. During this stage, your child’s gums will be sore, and they’ll let you know by being fussy. You can soothe them by gently rubbing the gums with a cold, wet cloth, the back of a spoon, or a clean finger.
The lower and upper central incisors are the first teeth to erupt, appearing between the ages of 6 to 12 months. Next come the lateral incisors between 9 to 16 months, followed by the first molars between 13 to 19 months. Canines come in from 16 to 23 months and the second molars are the last to arrive, between 23 to 33 months. All of the child’s 20 primary teeth will be in place by the time the child is 3 years old.
Then comes the shedding of the baby teeth, in the same sequence as they erupted, starting around age 6. Most children look forward to losing a tooth and getting a visit from the tooth fairy. Folklore says if a child places their extracted baby tooth under a pillow, the tooth fairy will visit while they are sleeping and replace the lost tooth with a coin or paper money, and most parents keep the game going as long as they can.
“Kids are high cavity risks even in their baby teeth because the processed food they eat has a lot of sugar in it,” Dr. Schwibner continued. “If they are small, we can treat the cavities conservatively without having to do injections or numbing. If the child is anxious, we use either nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or conscious oral sedation in a pill form to help them relax and feel no pain. If extensive work needs to be done, we call in an anesthesiologist who will administer and monitor unconscious sedation.”
You might think it’s only a baby tooth, so why not pull it? But the roots of baby teeth act as a guide for the permanent tooth to come into proper position. If a baby tooth is removed, then the adult tooth doesn’t know where to go, and it may come in wrong, creating orthodontic issues in the future.
“Parents are entrusted with teaching their children good hygiene,” Dr. Schwibner said. “Brushing and flossing should be part of their daily routine and dental checkups twice a year. Prevention is easier than fixing, so making dentistry a positive experience that will carry on for the rest of their lives will promote healthy teeth.”
This article, written by Kerry Firth, appeared in Vero Beach 32963 and Vero News; October 20, 2022
Laser Services Provided at Dental Partners of Vero Beach
(Oct 2022) Always excited about adding new High-Tech Dentistry equipment! We are thrilled to offer laser services with our Fotona Lightwalker Laser™. This hard and soft tissue laser has endless possibilities and our team has been busy providing a variety of services to our patients.
Some of the services we offer are:
1) Frenectomies With Little to No Anesthetic, Fast and Heals Better
2) No Drill or Needle Fillings
3) Gum and Bone Infection Treatment (Periodontal Treatment)
4) Root Canals With a Higher Success Rate
5) Bone Removal and Trimming
6) Canker Sores and or Herpes Sores Treatment
7) Bio Stimulation for Muscle or TMJ Pain
8) Snore Treatments
9) And Way More!
Give us a call to schedule a consultation!

Dental Partners of Vero Beach Offers Myobrace®

(August 2022) The Myobrace System has been recently added to the array of our proactive approach, early intervention orthodontic treatment options for our younger patients. These appliances and retainers are recommended based on a number of criteria’s that our dentists determine following a comprehensive evaluation.
To learn more about the Myobrace System and all early intervention treatments that we offer, please call 772.569.4118.
Annual Florida Dental Association Convention Never Disappoints
(June 2022) Always great being at the FDA Convention in Orlando learning and growing with our dentists and team. Dr. Jenna enjoys catching up and spending time with her team, professional colleagues, and mentors!

Pictured: Dr. Ben Miraglia, Airway Health Solutions with Dr. Jenna Katz Jenna Schwibner, Dental Partners of Vero Beach Team Members

Salvation Army Angel Tree Program - Making a Difference in The Treasure Coast

(December 2021) Dental Partners is grateful to our patients, team, families, and colleagues who generously donated to this year’s Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. Once again, we were able to make a huge difference in providing smiles to children in the Indian River County this holiday season. Thank you!!!
Cosmetic Dentistry and Sleep Apnea
By Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD

(May 2021) With everyone wearing masks these days it is the optimal time to straighten your teeth without anyone even noticing. It’s also apparently easier than ever with several do-it-yourself, discount clear aligner solutions now being mass advertised. Companies offering these services have been around for over 20 years, with Invisalign being the most recognizable brand. The technology has improved dramatically in recent years, accomplishing what could only previously be done through traditional brackets and wiring. Although the at-home programs appeal to those seeking straighter teeth, incorrect bites (traumatic occlusion), loose teeth, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders often result from the lack of a comprehensive treatment plan and doctor oversight.
At my office, Dental Partners of Vero Beach, we leverage the extraordinary ability of these aligners to not just create beautiful smiles, but to correct a variety of other more serious ailments like sleep apnea and upper airway resistance in adults and sleep-disordered breathing in children. If the jaw is underdeveloped and retruded back the airway will be compromised. By expanding and enlarging the jaw we can provide the proper space for the tongue and establish nasal breathing to set our patients up for a lifetime of improved breathing.
We are excited to share this airway-centric approach to orthodontics and dentistry in our community. If you feel that you may have sleep apnea or airway resistance (a milder form of sleep apnea) reach out to us today to see if you are a candidate to treat your apnea, CPAP free!
This article, written by Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD, appeared in Heartbeat of the Treasure Coast Volume 141
Sleep Treatment for the CPAP Intolerant
By Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD
(January 2021) Sleep Apnea affects approximately 20% of US adults, of whom about 90% remain undiagnosed. ¹ In my practice, we screen for the signs and symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SBD) in an attempt to improve those numbers here on the Treasure Coast. Although most of the patients I have referred for a sleep study over my career have received a prescription for a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device, the statistics show that up to 40% will not tolerate it and thus become noncompliant.

As an alternative, Dentists have been using Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) for over 20 years. MADs position the lower jaw forward, which in turn opens the airway and assists in natural breathing. However, the major disadvantage is that they only work when they are worn, which is typically at night while the patient sleeps – and we know that Apnea can also be an issue for many during the day.
On my journey to further evolve and modernize our practice, I have continued to advance my training and knowledge on the relationships between dental, airway and overall health. In addition to being a Fellow of the Dawson Institute and provider of Healthy Start® for children, I have also completed a Mini-Residency on Airway Health Solutions™. Under the direct guidance of world-renowned SBD specialist Dr. Ben Miraglia, we implement expansive orthodontics for adults and children to combat sleep apnea and other milder SBDs. Treatment can range from removable or fixed appliances to full, clear aligner orthodontic programs. We are excited to offer this to our patients of all ages. If you or a loved one suffer from any form of SBD please call for a consultation to see if you are a candidate.
- “Sleep Med” Kevin J. Finkel, 2009
This article, written by Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD, appeared in Heartbeat of the Treasure Coast Volume 140.
Tis the Season- Generosity for Salvation Army Angel Tree

(Dec. 2020) Thank you to all our patients, families, and friends who contributed more than 75 gifts towards this year's Salvation Army Angel Tree gift-giving program!! With the outpouring of generosity, children of the Treasure Coast will be showered with love thanks to you! With Gratitude, Dental Partners of Vero Beach, Schwibner and Associates and Team!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Dental Partners of Vero Beach

(Oct 2020) Thank you to all of our patients, team members, families, and friends who contributed to our October pink ribbon sale for the American Cancer Society. Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner generously matched all donations dollar for dollar and presented a check to Theresa Ferretti Woodson from the American Cancer Society.
This year's fundraiser was in honor of our dear friends Melaina Vaccaro Escobar and Steve Rennick.
Pictured: Dental Partners Team, Dr. Jenna signing the check with our Patient Coordinator and Coordinator of the fundraiser Rosanna Diaz Harper, and Dr. Jenna presenting the check to Theresa Ferretti Woodson from the American Cancer Society.
Sleep Disordered Breathing and How It Affects Our Children
By Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD

(September 2020) One of the hottest topics in Dentistry these days is Sleep Disordered Breathing and how it affects our children. As a family dentist, I started treating my adult patients for sleep apnea and snoring only to get frustrated by the limited treatment options (CPAP, oral appliances, or surgery). Though we still help many adult patients sleep better at night and wake up healthier and more oxygenated with these treatments, it led me to ask the bigger question…why? Why are there so many people growing up and having sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing? It seems like there is more than ever before. This question led me on the journey of treating children. With children we can really make a difference and fix the cause of the problem before it turns into a chronic adult illness.
My passion to help children led me to offer early interception orthodontics. By screening children early for airway issues, we really make a difference in so many ways. We use a screening tool and developmental system called The Healthystart™ System. The HealthyStart™ System is an oral appliance therapy that promotes natural growth and development, which addresses the root causes of SDB (Sleep Disordered Breathing).

Research has shown that SDB-induced oxygen deprivation is a major contributing factor to the childhood health disorders shown below. I am excited to be able to offer this service to the community. Is your child at risk? If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms then they may have a form of Sleep Disordered Breathing.
Sleep Disordered Breathing may lead to a number of health and wellness issues that could get worse with time including:
- Bedwetting
- Nightmares or waking up at night
- Chronic Allergies
- Aggressive Behavior
- Mouth Breathing day or night
- Swollen Adenoids/Tonsils
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Restless sleep and/or Snoring
- Crowded/crooked teeth
- Grinding/wear on teeth
Could sleep disordered breathing affecting a child in your family? We encourage you to visit www.thehealthystart.com to take the quiz to find out if your child is a candidate for The HealthyStart™ System. Please contact our office for further information and to schedule a consultation. 772.569.4118
This article, written by Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD, appeared in Heartbeat of the Treasure Coast Volume 139.
Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner becomes Fellow of the American Dental Association

(July 2020) Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD adds a distinguished title to her name. As a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry Dr. Jenna is now recognized as Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD.
A general dentist who is a "Fellow" in the Academy of General Dentistry has been recognized by other general dentists as a leader and example to other dentists of the importance of quality continuing dental education to patient care.
Through more than an additional 500 hours of continuing education, always maintaining her standards to a lifelong learning and excellence commitment Dr. Jenna received this prestigious award.
Only 6% of general dentists in the nation have attained this top academic honor. We are very proud of her. Congratulations Dr. Jenna!
Jeremy Schwibner & Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner: Bring Smiles to Vero
By Joan Reid for Island Publications Magazine
(June 2020) Jeremy and Jenna knew they were a perfect match, not only because e-Harmony said so, but the instant they met the chemistry of a dentist and a financial planner lit a romance destined to bring bright smiles to Vero Beach.
One of their fondest courting memories is when Jeremy did a surprise engagement on the Castaway Beach, even before they knew they would be moving to Vero a few years later. They married at The Moorings Club on May 29, 2010. Jeremy, 36, and Jenna, 34, are now blessed with three children, Ari (6), Madelyn (2.5), and Eli (10 months).
Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner resided in Vero Beach since the age of 3 when father, Dr. Eddie Katz, moved his family here to join a medical practice. Jenna was raised with parents who had compassion for all creatures great and small, and passed this caring to Jenna. “I grew up with animals my entire life. My parents had golden retrievers for years and after a liter they had we were lucky to have our golden Rusty until he passed away this year at almost 13, Jenna says.

“By a stroke of luck we added Leo, now a 4 month golden retriever, who became available after a family backed out on the purchase. We also have a Siberian cat named Jillian who is 9 years old and is one of the rare long haired breeds that is considered hypoallergenic as we have so many family members allergic.”
Philanthropic giving and their compassion for others is another quality which Jeremy and Jenna share. They donate as a family, through her dental practice, and through Jeremy’s financial office. Among the organizations they regularly contribute are: City of Vero Beach, American Cancer Society, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, St. Edward’s School, The Salvation Army, John’s Island Community Service League, The Humane Society of Vero Beach & Indian River County, Florida Donated Dental Services, and Indian River Impact 100 which Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner has been a member since 2017.
The Schwibner family motto is: You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar, American author and motivational speaker. This certainly reflects the Schwibners care and philanthropic efforts. Both he and Jenna are actively involved with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, with Jeremy first having participated as a candidate in the 2019 Man of the Year fundraising campaign and now serving on its Leadership Committee.
Jeremy is a native New Yorker, who relocated to Vero Beach when he and Jenna married, and soon he joined Merrill Lynch Wealth Management in 2011 after a career in Land Planning and Golf Course Design. There he worked with many notable firms and individuals, including that of Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman, Nick Faldo, Tom Doak and the Dye family. Jeremy finds professional satisfaction in advising young engineers, doctors, and professional sports figures. He finds professional satisfaction in advising families through all stages of their financial lives. He was named to Forbes/SHOOK “America’s Top Next-Generation Wealth Advisors” List in both 2017 & 2018 and Forbes 2019 designation. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his family and working on his golf game. Jeremy is an avid golfer and quite a good one, he is a 5 handicap. Jenna attended St. Edward’s through 9th grade, and finished her International Baccalaureate program at Sebastian. She was an undergrad at Vanderbilt and Dental school at Nova Southeastern University. After dental school, she was offered a number of opportunities in Vero Beach, which is her hometown. “I gained experience at several private practices, and opened a corporate practice in Vero before returning to private practice,” Jenna explains.
In 2015, she became a partner of Dental Partners of Vero Beach and eventually the sole owner in 2019. Dental Partners of Vero Beach, Schwibner and Associates is a general, family, and cosmetic practice providing patient-centered care with the highest quality of dentistry to the families in our community. Jenna is committed to providing complete excellent dental care which promotes general health as well. “Education in dentistry never ends. My colleagues and I attend ongoing continuing education programs, lectures and seminars. I love to learn, and I travel extensively for continuing education opportunities throughout the country and world.” So much in fact, the entire Schwibner Family ventured to Hawaii for a dental conference. “Hawaii is certainly paradise but we quickly realized Vero Beach is a special paradise,” Jeremy states cheerfully.
Jeremy and Jenna also take family ski trips and enjoy watching the kids have fun in the snow. Their children also love Disney and not only venture to the Magic Kingdom but also cruised with Mickey and Minnie Mouse!
On a more personal note, Jenna is a breast cancer previvor. Jenna describes that her grandmother died of breast cancer, her mother is a breast cancer survivor, she tested positive for BRCA-1 and so proceeded to have prophylactic surgery to prevent having breast cancer. They prescreened their children being IVF (in vitro fertilization) so they know that Madelyn doesn’t have the gene. Jenna is grateful knowing that they were able to avoid the threat of BRCA-1 related cancers from their family lineage.
Other than spending time with family and friends, Jeremy and Jenna both love to cook. Their family life is relaxed, and their residence is the “go-to” spot on Halloween. They enjoy dog walking, beach outings, and socializing. The Schwibner’s have many friends within their community and are rapidly making more and more. They love their neighbors and neighborhood events and gatherings and maintain an open-door policy at their home so long as visitors knock.
“Thank you, Island Neighbors for all of your support,” Jeremy and Jenna say together.
This article appeared in Island Neighbors Magazine in the June 2020 issue.
Sleep Disordered Breathing: Not Just for Grown Ups
By Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD

(June 2020) The American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that 12% of the U.S. adult population has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), creating a $149.6 billion drag on the economy each year and increasing risks for hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and depression.
When we don’t properly breathe while sleeping, the lack of oxygen produces a “fight or flight” response within the body. The consequences are the aforementioned major health risks as it increases inflammation and inhibits the body’s ability to heal. Links have also been made to things like early on-set dementia, stroke, and even nighttime trips to the restroom – something previously just thought of as a symptom of getting old.
Dentists are the first line of defense in identifying the risk indicators associated with both OSA and its many milder forms referred to generally as sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). The warning signs of a restricted airway include acid-eroded teeth, tongue ties, scalloped borders around the tongue, and a poorly developed jaw.
Solutions for OSA and SDB range from oral appliances to CPAP machines. However, these are band-aids to the symptoms, never actually treating the cause. With a complete dental evaluation, our aim is to treat breathing issues not only at night but for the entire day as well. Through a partnership with other medical specialists, various treatments are available to restore proper nasal breathing and reduce harmful airway constrictions.
What was once thought to be a condition stereotyped for overweight individuals over the age of 50 is now known to be prevalent across all ages and body types. Sadly, over 40 million children also suffer from SDB, with studies linking it to ADD/ADHD, delayed and stunted growth, aggressive behavior, speech impediments, poor academic studies, and much more. The nighttime bathroom trips suffered by some adults are also often realized as bed-wetting among children.
Evolution, genetics, bottle feeding, and adolescent diets are all causing increased incidents of SBD in children. Thankfully, new evidence-based research suggests that through interceptive orthodontic techniques, a dentist may help develop the jaw correctly and decrease the chance of a child developing SDB and OSA. So, while we continue to make advancements in treating these disorders for adults, we are also learning how to correct the underlying cause from an early age… something I look forward to sharing more in future articles.
This article, written by Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD, appeared in Heartbeat of the Treasure Coast Volume 138.
Safety Protocols for Safe Dentistry
(May 2020) At Dental Partners of Vero Beach our top priority is safety and wellness for our patients and our entire team. During these unprecedented times we have increased our already high OSHA standards with health, safety, and sterilization protocols and procedures following universal precautions. During and since these unprecedented times we have added additional levels of personal protection of sterilization and disinfecting for the safety of everyone.
Our staff has been equipped with the finest PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)), Treatment Mouthguards, Extraoral Suction Units in addition to Air Filtration Systems for all areas of the office. Prescreening protocols and procedures including temperatures, are in place for utmost precautions. Hand sanitizer as always is available through our office for your convenience.

Local Dentists Come Together During the COVID-19 Pandemic

(April 2020) When the Coronavirus morphed into a pandemic in March of 2020, Medical and Dental practices in Florida were instructed to cease all services immediately, with exception of true emergencies. This order by Governor DeSantis, following CDC guidelines, was implemented to keep patients and healthcare providers safe and healthy during the initial surge within Florida.
As part of the medical community, my Dental colleagues and I were hit especially hard. We never imagined something like this would affect our professional lives and forever change the way that we provide services to our patients.
Although our understanding of this virus strain and it’s ensuing COVID-19 illness is still advancing, current WHO guidance states the virus spreads primarily through aerosols: Sneezing, coughing, talking, etc. This makes navigating today’s environment even more challenging for a Dentist, as many procedures produce the exact thing we are now all trying to avoid.
During my office’s mandated closure from March until May I worked endlessly to research what could be done to afford my employees and my patients the highest level of safety possible. We achieved that goal through a combination of investment in new equipment and the development of updated wellness protocols.
I am very proud to be part of the Dental Community here on the Treasure Coast. We are a mostly tight-knit group of like-minded doctors, supporting one another to achieve both positive outcomes for our patients and our businesses. If this pandemic and the ensuing mandated closure has a silver lining, it’s that it brought us even closer together and united us towards a mission of reopening our practices as quickly as possible while focusing on patient and staff safety. With that goal, we all communicated daily to search for Protective Personal Equipment (PPE), as well as equipment to use for our patients to reduce the potential negative effects of aerosol-producing procedures.
Locating PPE has been extremely difficult and it continues to prove to be a challenge. When we can find it, the prices are 2-5 times higher than they were pre-COVID and are clearly putting a strain on an industry already reeling from being closed for over 2 months. However, determined to persevere we banded together to overcome this challenge. Through a friendship in South Florida, I was able to locate the needed PPE for my practice and 5 more of my local colleagues. With a 4-hour roundtrip in the family minivan, I picked up and delivered the needed supplies so that we could all re-open by the May 8th order of our Governor.
We are now several months in from the re-open and the struggle remains as we fight shortages for all things Dentistry. However, we continue to work together and are fortunate to overcome most of these obstacles. Whether it be sharing our supply of disposable gowns with one another, or a carpool out of the town to pick up PPE and equipment in bulk to reduce costs, our local Dental Community continues to make me proud.
Across our offices, we have increased safety measures across the board. At my practice, we now prescreen all patients, have set higher PPE standards, implemented intraoral and extraoral suction units to reduce aerosols, and added medical-grade air purifiers in all rooms. These protocols are not my idea alone, as it took the great teamwork of my local colleagues to unite together in the common goal of safely practicing dentistry in a COVID-19-world.
You can rest assured that Dentists have always upheld strict sterilization and disinfection standards, but now we have all elevated those protocols even further. As a result, I truly feel safer at my office working on patients than I do going to the grocery store, and those patients should feel the same. We have a great community of Dentists here and I look forward to continuing our team approach to a successful end of 2020 and all the years to come.
This article appeared in Heartbeat of the Treasure Coast Volume 139. As a special feature writer Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD provided numerous articles to the magazine pertaining to dental health and wellness topics for patients of all ages.
Doctor Helps Spread Word About Pediatric Sleep Apnea
By: Tom Lloyd for 32963
(March 2020) As if parents didn’t have enough to worry about, the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and local dentist Dr. Jenna Schwibner of Dental Partners of Vero Beach all agree obstructive sleep apnea is something that should be added to every parent’s and grandparent’s check list.
And maybe even to their “worry” list.
The Mayo Clinic says “pediatric obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which your child’s breathing is partially or completely blocked repeatedly during sleep. The condition is due to narrowing or blockage of the upper airway during sleep,” and the consequences can be dire.

“Early diagnosis and treatment,” says the Clinic, “are important to prevent complications that can affect children’s growth” and health.
Indeed, it goes on to say “children with sleep apnea might perform poorly in school; have difficulty paying attention; have learning problems; have behavioral problems, poor weight gain or be hyperactive.”
Or, as the American Sleep Apnea Association puts it, “the evidence is steadily growing that untreated pediatric sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, can wreak a heavy toll,” on any child.
The ASAA points out that “as many as 25 percent of children diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may actually have symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea and that much of their learning difficulty and behavior problems can be the consequence of chronic fragmented sleep.”
Hopkins is equally blunt when it says “sleep apnea in children may be difficult to recognize and diagnose and may show up as daytime behavioral problems or bedwetting,” and it adds “there are differences between pediatric obstructive sleep apnea and adult sleep apnea.
While adults usually have daytime sleepiness, children are more likely to have behavioral problems.”
Schwibner says “we’re seeing 90 percent of kids showing one kind of sign or symptom of sleep-disordered breathing.”
She adds that does not mean 90 percent of children have obstructive sleep apnea, but the statistic does draw attention to some caution flags; one of the most common of those flags is persistent mouth-breathing.
“What we’re seeing,” Schwibner continues, “is that nasal breathing is extremely important; that’s well documented. Everybody, all the doctors, know that the nose is the important filtration system of the body. The nose purifies, moistens and warms the air as we are breathing it. So, if we breathe it through our nose, we’re getting proper filtering. What happens when we mouth-breathe is all those toxins are going into our tonsils and adenoids causing [them] to become really swollen because our nose isn’t filtering it.”
And, moving on to a more traditional area of dental expertise, Schwibner adds, “we were taught in dental school that some mild grinding of the teeth in kids is just something normal that you grow up and you grow out of. But now they’re showing that 70 percent get worse and only 30 percent will self-correct. So [most of those teeth-grinding children] are not just going to get better on their own.”
While pediatric sleep apnea is clearly a hot-button issue for Schwibner, she says “when it comes to sleep apnea, I’m not diagnosing it.” She is, however, ready, willing and able to help pediatricians, otolaryngologists and ENTs screen for it.
“One of my plans is to partner with a lot of the [pediatric] physicians in town, because this isn’t something that is well known. We have great pediatricians in town, and I have some great relationships with them. So, part of our goal is to do some educational evening events. Once they know more about it, they’re going to start seeing these things” in their pediatric patients.
She can provide parents a sleep questionnaire to fill out or help arrange a take-home sleep study. She can also provide orthotic devices a child can wear at night that help train them to breathe through their nose.
“As long as they don’t have an anatomical reason why they can’t breathe through their nose,” says Schwibner, “it’s going to retrain them to breathe properly through their nose,” and that may just be the key to reducing obstructive sleep apnea in children.
Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner is the practice owner at Dental Partners of Vero Beach. Her office is at 3790 7th Terrace, Suite 201. The phone number is 772-569-4118. Dental Partners of Vero Beach sees patients of all ages.
This article appeared in Vero Beach 32963 and Vero News March 24, 2020

Dental Partners of Vero Beach is a HealthyStart® Provider!
(February 2020) Dental Partners of Vero Beach is pleased to offer the HealthyStart™ system to our children patients. This innovative orthodontic system uses oral appliance therapy to influence the jaw as it grows and develops. This alleviates Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) issues such as snoring, grinding, and mouth breathing as well as provides an effective interceptive orthodontic treatment to reduce crowding.
What is HealthyStart®?
The HealthyStart® System is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, pain-free approach to opening the airway and straightening teeth WITHOUT braces. HealthyStart® is rooted in 54 years of research and experience and has treated over 4 million children around the world. Our system straightens teeth without the price-tag of braces and does more than traditional orthodontic aligners. The HealthyStart® System consists of a series of appliances that address symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing, which 9 out of 10 children are affected by. These symptoms often go misdiagnosed or untreated and worsen with age. HealthyStart® aims to address these symptoms early-on so that they can be solved naturally. Source: thehealthystart.com
For additional information about this amazing system and how it can help your child. Please call us at 772.569.4118
You may also learn more at https://www.thehealthystart.com

The Inflammation Connection
By Jenna Katz Schwibner, DMD, FAGD
(January 2020) Flip through the pages of your favorite lifestyle magazine and you are bound to come across the topic of Inflammation, which we now understand is at the root cause of almost all ailments and diseases. But what is inflammation, anyway?
Turns out it’s your body’s natural response to fix an injury or infection. However, when an issue persists and is too severe to resolve on its own it can become chronic. One of the most prevalent examples is Periodontitis, commonly known as Gum Disease, and this is highly correlated to other major health conditions. Therefore, it turns out that a major source and/or identifier of inflammation throughout the entire body is in your mouth.
As a graduate and ambassador of The Dawson Academy (www.findadawsondentist.com) I have been trained to be a problem solver. I focus on the “Why” and identify how to correct problems at their source and prevent them from reoccurring. Patient exams at my office can last up to an hour, where we dive deeper to practice what we call “Complete Dental Care for Complete Health”.
There is a strong connection between oral health and overall health; problems within your mouth can often be warning signs as either the cause of other ailments or a sign that one already exists. By taking time to uncover the bigger picture we can do our best to ensure the prescribed treatment will be the most effective one and hopefully decrease the need for re-treatment; ultimately offering opportunities to partner with your other medical professionals and improve your overall health in a collaborative manner.

The basics include the prevention of cavities, which lead to broken and abscessed teeth and then progress to root canals and extractions. The not so obvious are things like enlarged tonsils and adenoids, acid reflux, grinding of teeth and oral cancer. All of these and more should be screened for through a comprehensive oral exam, as they are precursors to more serious issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and sleep apnea.
The scientific relationship between oral health and your overall wellness is strong. A properly trained dentist, focusing on comprehensive care, should be your first line of defense against all inflammation-related disorders and diseases.
Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner is the Practice owner of Dental Partners of Vero Beach. For additional information about this topic or any other topic related to dental care please call 772.569.4118 or visit VeroBeachDentist.com
Dental Partners of Vero Beach Opens New Practice In Style

(January 2020) A wonderful evening was had as we welcomed the Indian River Chamber of Commerce, Patients, and the Community to help celebrate the grand opening of our new office. We are thrilled to be able to work in our magnificent new state of the art, high-tech space. With extensive comfort and amenities, we are able to provide even better care for patients all ages. Thank you to all who joined us for the festivities.
The History of Dental Partners of Vero Beach
(January 2020) Dental Partners of Vero Beach has a history that goes back to 1980. Some things have certainly changed since then, some things have remained the same. We have some new technology, a few new faces and in January 2020 we moved into a new location. But what hasn’t changed is the same great award-winning high-tech family oriented dental practice that has and will always be favored in the Treasure Coast.

In 1980 E.M. Conway, Jr. DDS, known by his patients as Dr. Mickey, opened up a dental practice in Vero Beach after graduating from Emory Dental School. Two years later, his wife Suzanne Tillery Conway, DDS, also an Emory Dental School graduate, joined him. The practice became Conway & Conway, DDS and remained that name for many years. A partner and a few associates came and went but the heart of the practice remained the same. The brand and the motto was and still remains “High Tech Dentistry with a Soft Touch”.
The Conway’s were innovators in their practice. Always studying, learning and keeping up with new trends, ingenuity and technology they brought the practice to a level where no other practices in the area were.
Jenna Katz Schwibner has known the Conway’s her entire life. Her interaction with Dr. Mickey and Dr. Suzanne was on personal and professional level. She went to school with their daughters, and was a patient in the practice. Her interest in dentistry became apparent in high school and she spent many days shadowing in the office, learning and working as a dental assistant.
After Dr. Jenna graduated from Nova Dental School in 2011 the Conway’s offered her an opportunity as an associate. She joined them for a short while, left to pursue another dental opportunity and in 2014 returned once again as a full-time associate.
In January of 2016 Dr. Jenna became a partner and the practice name became Dental Partners of Vero Beach, Conway and Schwibner. After the Conway’s retired, first Dr. Suzanne in 2017 and then Dr. Mickey in 2019 Dr. Jenna became the practices sole owner.
Throughout the years in dentistry Dr. Jenna has gone above and beyond in acquiring continuing education, fellowships and numerous awards and accolades to add to her professional growth and the already successful practice. She has brought new advancements, technology and additional passion to her patients and entire team. In addition, she has been interviewed and has had articles written about her, has had numerous interviews on local radio, and is an ongoing special feature writer for a Treasure Coast magazine.
Throughout the years another thing that has remained consistent is the importance of philanthropy in our community. Our give back program has and always will be an important part of who we are at Dental Partners of Vero Beach. From fundraising walks to providing free dental care to those less fortunate our team works endless hours making a difference to hundreds of lives in the Treasure Coast and Florida.
Our staff may have changed through the years, while some remain, and we have grown and moved, but many things stayed the same. Dental Partners of Vero Beach provides Complete Dental Care for Complete Health for Patients of All Ages. And as always, we provide “High Tech Dentistry with a Soft Touch”.
Salvation Army Angels-Thank You to our Supporters

(December 2019) Another successful year supporting the Salvation Army with our beautiful Angel Tree with the help of our amazing patients, friends, and team members, we were able to provide gifts for our local children in need.
Bahamas Hurricane Relief Support
(November 2019) Our last load of donated items was dropped off at The Patio Restaurant today for its trip to the Bahamas to help with the relief efforts. Thank you to all our patients, friends, families and staff who contributed to this needed cause!

Dental Partners of Vero Beach recognized by The Chamber as Business of The Year

(October 2019) We are honored and thrilled to have been chosen to be the 2019 Minority Owned Business of the Year by the IRC Chamber. Each year businesses are presented Industry Appreciation Awards for various achievements. Our award recognizes our company’s employee recognition and support, community and philanthropy support and overall success with our contribution to the county. Thank you to the chamber, the economic development committee, our employees, who are the best team in the profession and our patients who contribute to our success by allowing us to provide your complete dental care for your complete health. Thank You!
Airway Training Continues to Benefit of Our Patients
(October 2019) Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner continuing her complete Dentistry Education. Another successful weekend of Airway training at the Dawson Academy.
The Dawson Academy writes:
Thank you attendees! We were blown away by last weekend’s Airway hands-on course. Drs. DeWitt Wilkerson and Joe Gaudio did an exceptional job training this enthusiastic and devoted group of doctors!

Dr. Pete Dawson, founder of The Dawson Academy, passes away
(July 2019) As Dawson Academy dentists, we study with and learn from the best of the best. Dr. Jenna had the opportunity to meet Dr. Dawson and hear first-hand his wisdom and dental knowledge through his seminars and hands on teaching.
Dr. Jenna writes: I am lost for words. Pete Dawson has been such a big part of my life these past few years. I am so honored to have had the privilege of meeting and learning from him.

Welcome to our Practice Wei Yin Vuong, DMD

(June 2019) Dental Partners of Vero Beach is excited to announce that our dental team is expanding with the addition of a new general dentist, Wei Yin Vuong, DMD. Dr. Wei, a dentist who has been practicing locally, lives in Sebastian and is thrilled to be joining our team.
Dr. Wei graduated from the University of Florida with an undergraduate degree in Health and Sciences and a Doctorate in Dental Medicine. She brings expansive experience to Dental Partners including General, Cosmetic and Restorative and Implant Dentistry.
“There is nothing more fulfilling than being able to help a patient find function and beauty in their smile again. said Dr. Wei, “As a dentist, I hope to fill hearts as well as teeth.”
Dr Wei is proud to be affiliated with The Academy of General Dentistry, The American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association, and Treasure Coast Dental Society. She is a Dawson Academy Alumni, a member of The Dawson Academy Study Club, Kiwanis International, and a team member of The American Society of Implant & Reconstructive Dentistry as a Fellow.
Dentists Become First Line of Defense Against Sleep Apnea
By: Tom Lloyd for 32963
(March 2018) Everybody knows – or thinks they know – what to expect from a trip to the dentist. But Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner at Dental Partners of Vero Beach is quick to point out there’s a lot more to modern dentistry than just a twice-a-year cleaning and filling cavities.
Like, for instance, saving your life.
Life-saving and dentistry might sound like a big slice of hyperbole pie from an American Dental Association advertising campaign, but it’s not.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than a quarter of the U.S. population suffers from some kind of sleep disorder, and the National Institutes of Health estimates about 18 million Americans have a potentially lethal affliction called “obstructive sleep apnea,” or OSA.

The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care has linked OSA to an increased risk for developing diabetes, depression, memory loss or confusion, sexual dysfunction, high blood pressure, weight gain and, yes, fatal strokes.
“OSA occurs when your throat muscles over-relax, causing the airway to collapse, blocking proper airflow, and temporarily preventing you from breathing,” according to toothwisdom.org, a website specializing in oral care for older adults. “When breathing is interrupted your body reacts by increasing your heart rate in order to maintain proper oxygen levels. Over time, this may cause other changes to your body and lead to poor breathing and increased carbon dioxide levels.”
And it turns out dentists are in a good position to spot the signs and symptoms of this serious condition that doctors might not always pick up on.
“It’s getting to the point now where dentists are becoming part of the first line defense with sleep apnea,” Schwibner says. “We’re one of the primary practitioners to help with it.”
Schwibner continues: “When people see their medical doctor, it’s often more of a sick visit. They see their doctor only when they’re not feeling well. But the majority of our patients aren’t in pain when they come in. They’re just getting their teeth cleaned and getting maintenance and so we see people a lot longer.”
Schwibner says patients “don’t typically think that they’re sick when they have sleep apnea. A lot of times they have no idea they have it. It’s a silent killer, if you will. If we can notice these things on regular check-ups, that’s a really big advantage, and then we can get them in to see their doctor.”
The diminutive Schwibner is quick to add “a dentist cannot tell a patient or diagnose that they have sleep apnea. You always need a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis,” but there are signs a dentist is likely to spot that a primary care doctor, a cardiologist or other specialist might not notice immediately.
For example, “a lot of people, they stick out their tongue and they actually have little indentations on the side of their tongue. We call that a scalloped tongue. It goes into the indentations all around the teeth on the inside and 81 percent of people who have that have some form of sleep apnea. And that’s something that only a dentist would see.”
Likewise, people who grind their teeth at night; Schwibner says teeth grinding is “a big sign for us” that they might well have OSA.
And while OSA is most common in men, it is something of an equal-opportunity health threat. Especially as we age. Postmenopausal women, says Schwibner, are at as high risk as men and the problem is often compounded by the use of sleeping pills.
“The sleeping pill keeps you from waking up due to sleep apnea. It’s actually hurting you even more because your body is trying to wake you up for a reason. It’s trying to warn you, like, ‘Hey, wake up. Breathe.’ And if you’re taking sleeping pills, that response isn’t there anymore.”
While Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP machines are “always the first line” of defense for OSA patients, according to Schwibner, fully half of patients find they cannot tolerate using those devices.
Fortunately, dentists like Schwibner who are trained in sleep apnea management can provide an alternative: a “mandibular repositioning dental appliance.” The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine calls these “an effective treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea,” for those who cannot tolerate a CPAP machine, but there is an important caveat here.
TV commercials have begun offering devices people can order by phone or online, but Schwibner warns not only are these not custom-fitted, they are “not something that has any medical research backing or any studies showing [their] efficacy. It’s definitely not something that we recommend.”
Schwibner, whose local roots run through Sebastian River High School, Vanderbilt University and Nova Southeastern’s College of Dental Medicine, is the daughter of longtime Vero Beach physician Dr. Edward Katz.