What to Do After Oral Surgery

Procedures like getting new dental implants, having teeth extracted, periodontal surgery and the like can seem scary. After all, it’s oral surgery. Thankfully, these rather routine procedures most often go very smoothly. And, when it is all over, it is time to come home and begin healing.
There is a good chance your oral surgeon will give you a list of things you should do to ensure a successful recovery. But, just in case you were wondering, here’s what to do after oral surgery.
Get Some Rest
Believe it or not, bending, lifting, or any strenuous activity can actually cause bleeding at the surgical site. This is why nearly all dentists will advise you to take it easy and relax after you get home after oral surgery. Besides, there is a good chance that you are going to be quite tired, anyways, after the procedure. As you kick back and rest, it is a good idea to keep your head a bit elevated.
Your dentist should give you instructions as to how long you should rest and when you should be able to return to your normal level of activity.
Use Ice for Swelling
Depending on the oral surgery you had, you may encounter a little swelling and bruising. This is usually common – especially for extractions. Apply ice (wrapped in a thin cloth) to the area for 15-20 minutes every hour or so. Do not touch the ice directly to your skin’s surface.
The swelling should go down after the first 24 hours or so. If you find that it is getting worse, be sure to contact your dentist as soon as possible.
Eat Soft Foods
Regardless of what type of oral surgery you have, you will not want to eat solid foods immediately following it. Instead, make sure you have soft foods to eat. Things like oatmeal, applesauce, and yogurt are great options. Soup is good, too, as long as it is slightly heated. In fact, it is a good idea to scratch foods from your list that are solid, chewy, spicy, too hot, or too cold.
Typically you will want to eat this way for at least the first 24 hours following oral surgery unless otherwise instructed by your dentist.
Take Your Prescriptions
Your dentist may or may not prescribe you medicine. If so, it could be an antibiotic to help with infection or something to reduce pain or inflammation. Or, your dentist may instruct you to take over-the-counter medication following the oral surgery.
The idea is to make sure you take any medication as prescribed. And, should you have any questions or concerns, talk to your dentist.
Monitor Your Progress
Don’t just return to your regular life following oral surgery. Instead, you need to monitor your progress. Make sure you don’t have any signs of infection and that your swelling is going away. And definitely make sure a fever doesn’t appear.
Your oral surgeon is counting on you to heal properly and advise when something doesn’t seem right.
Oral Surgery at Dental Partners of Vero Beach
At Dental Partners of Vero Beach, we know how important it is to choose an oral surgeon you can trust to give you the best treatment. And, we offer an array of oral surgery procedures performed by a highly skilled team.
So, whether you are looking for a new dentist, need to have your tooth pulled, are dealing with a dental emergency, or something else – give Dental Partners of Vero Beach a call at (772) 569-4118.
We are here to help you before, during, and after your oral surgery.
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