Dental Partners of Vero Beach provides restorative dentistry for children in Vero Beach, FL. Call 772-569-4118 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
Composite (White) Fillings
Many parents have concerns about the mercury in traditional silver fillings, but our practice uses safe composite fillings instead. Not only are these fillings free of mercury, but they also blend in with the rest of your child’s smile for a restoration that looks natural. Composite fillings are completed in a single visit to our office. Areas of decay are removed, and composite material is applied to strengthen the remaining tooth structure.
Pulp Treatment (Pulpotomy/Pulpectomy/Baby Root Canal)
When the inner chamber or pulp of a primary tooth becomes infected or damaged, we perform a pulp treatment in order to save the tooth from extraction. The pulp is removed, the chamber is disinfected, and then a material called gutta percha is used to fill and seal the chamber to prevent future infection.
Dental Crowns
When a tooth has more decay or damage than can be repaired with a dental filling, we use dental crowns instead. The damaged or decayed tooth structure is removed, then a crown covers the remaining tooth to restore function and strength.
Tooth Extractions
If a tooth cannot be saved with restorative dentistry, we often need to extract it in order to restore overall oral health. Extractions are a simple in-office procedure that involves numbing the tooth and surrounding tissue, using an instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth from the jaw, and then gently removing it with forceps.