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Why Wear A Mouthguard During Sports?

July 23, 2024
Why Wear A Mouthguard During Sports

Dental mouthguards protect a valuable resource: your teeth. Patients who play fast-paced or contact sports are at particular risk of broken teeth and lip, cheek, and gum injuries.

About Dental Mouthguards

Your dentist will custom-make your mouthguard based on digital or physical impressions. They will engineer your mouthguard to protect against most oral injuries,

Over-The-Counter Versus Custom Mouthguards

You may have seen over-the-counter mouthguards in the pharmacy or sporting goods store, including “boil and bite” models. However, they provide ineffective protection compared to a custom guard created by your dentist. A custom dental mouthguard provides better coverage than an over-the-counter model and more effectively protects the teeth against blows, falls, and other damage.

Benefits of Dental Mouthguards

Protect Teeth From Damage

The primary purpose of a dental mouthguard is to keep the teeth safe. Custom mouthguards reduce the risk of chipping, breaking, or dislodging a tooth in case of a sports accident.

Protect Orthodontic Appliances

Mouthguards are crucial for patients with braces or other orthodontic appliances. The sharp edges could damage oral tissue if braces break due to impact.

Protect Existing Restorations

Fillings, crowns, and implants also need protection. Broken restorations can lead to further damage and may require tooth extraction.

Protect Oral Soft Tissues

Mouthguards protect the tongue, cheeks, and lips as effectively as the teeth.

Prevent Root Damage

Blows to the teeth can injure their roots. Injured roots could lead to reduced blood flow, causing the tooth to die. A dead tooth can spread infection throughout the mouth, leading to illness. It can also require tooth extraction and the placement of a restoration like a bridge or implant.

Prevent Concussions

Mouthguards can also help prevent concussion, a potentially severe neurological condition.

Save On Lifetime Dental Costs

Patients who keep their teeth safe with a mouthguard will require fewer costly restorations, such as bridges, implants, and crowns.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Mouthguards

Does my child need a mouthguard on the top, bottom, or both?

Most mouthguards fit over the top teeth. Braces call for a mouthguard on the bottom teeth. Ask your dentist whether your child needs both mouthguards for maximum protection.

Why should an adult wear a mouthguard during sports?

Mouthguards should be worn by adults when playing sports. During sports, if trauma is inflicted on the mouth and teeth, a mouthguard will absorb shock to that area. In addition to protecting teeth, a mouthguard redistributes the impact of force, which also limits any jaw movement. Reducing jaw movement reduces trauma to the brain, helping to prevent a concussion.

What is the difference between a mouthguard and a night guard?

A mouthguard protects against sports injuries, and a night guard protects teeth from the effects of chronic grinding or bruxism. While both types are highly effective, they should not be used interchangeably due to differences in materials and design.

Call Dental Partners of Vero Beach

Although a custom mouthguard from your dentist may cost more than an over-the-counter model, it provides significantly better protection from dental and facial injuries.

To protect your teeth for a lifetime, call our Vero Beach, FL, office at 772-569-4118. We can schedule a fitting and ensure your mouthguard protects you while you enjoy your favorite activities.

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Dental Partners of Vero Beach
3790 7th Terrace, Suite 201
Vero Beach, FL 32960
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